Spiderman climbs the Aspire Tower in Doha

Imagine you live or work in a skyscraper on one of the upper floors. Normally you would not expect somebody to look inside through the windows, except perhaps for the window cleaners. But there is one face you should be prepared for. The one of Alain Robert. The exceptional french climber prefers the exterior front of tall buildings, the taller the better. He already climbed up onto lots of impressive buildings, bridges and monuments all around the globe. Sometimes without offical permission, which often caused lots of trouble when he returned back to the safe bottom.

Robert goes for broke. He likes to climb without any safety rope nor is there any safety net to protect him. His enormous agility has earned him the nickname „spiderman“, movies and pictures taken from his events have established cult among admirers. The stunts are extremely dangerous. „Do not try to imitate what you see – it can be mortal“ he warns on his official website.

On April 12, 2012 Alain climbed up the Aspire Tower in Doha. The 1.043 feet to the top took him 1 hour, 33 minutes and 47 seconds. He only used bare hands and climbing boots and achieved a new Guinness Record. The Aspire Tower houses the „The Torch Doha“ which belongs to the world’s leading hotels. The impressive tower’s architecture was inspired by the olympic flame. With more than 1.000 feet it’s the tallest building in Qatar. The outside front is covered with a metallic grating, which gave a good hold for climbing. At night this grating is illuminated by thousands of little integrated lamps which can change their colours immediately. A digital control enables for impressive lightshows around the whole building.  After returning back to the ground Robert said, that he had been looking forward to climb the Torch for a long time. Just the wind was rather a challenge.

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